Thursday, November 3, 2011

Plan for Health Care & Employment

Hello, this is Gritti Chompers, your representative from the National False Teeth Recycling Foundation Consortium, asking you to consider making a small donation of any amount you deem comfortable towards the continuation of our charitable work. Our short-term objective is, by reducing the downtime of false teeth in the mouths of those fortunate enough to possess this valuable commodity, to provide a courier service that can rush these to other people needing them, on a round-robin basis, according to when they have just eaten or are just about to eat—which of course differs from person to person, as we have found in our field surveys. This reduces the need to import false teeth from foreign countries, and puts our local people to work driving the vehicles that deliver the teeth from person to person. In the long run we can create nationwide false teeth banks that can accumulate the teeth for future use as needed, most especially as people die and bequeath their false teeth to these banks. Won’t you consider making your donation to this worthy cause? We will surely win this battle of driving down health care costs, while creating employment, one bite at a time.