Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rayro's Review of "The Cult of Kashaknishra"

I have reread this book countless times in utter awe and astonishment that a total stranger can be so in tune with the inner workings of my own mind and soul. At long last, here is an author who really understands my own human condition. I believe that you are very likely to share in this uncanny feeling of having been recognized in full by someone you have never personally met and probably will never meet.

The revealed truths of Kashaknishra, as recounted by the author Harry Kirschner, will cause you to laugh in self-recognition, even though his odd stories may appear a bit abstract and seem to be about people quite unlike yourself at first, and then suddenly that mystical moment of seeing your own reflection in the mirror catches up with you: Eureka! Aha! Son-of-a-gun! Gottenyu!

What an amazing little book! It just sneaks up on you, and pow! Who is this author I have never heard of? You will surely agree after reading this wonderful book.